Thanks for allowing me to share with you about the Christian Creative Academy. We really believe in what we have created and we know it can be a tremendous help to you.
There are heaps of valuable courses and training resources that are included in the Academy.

These include…
- Thousands of dollars worth of premium training.
- Prayer training, designed to help you deepen your relationship with God and hear His voice clearly.
- Publishing and productivity training and tools.
- Learn-by-doing roadblock busting challenges (this hand on training method is so powerful!)
- Access to our private Facebook community – this is priceless!
- Privileged access to regular live trainings and exclusive opportunities not available outside the Academy group.
I could put dollar amounts to all of this, easily amounting to ten times the cost of the school, but the only value I want to highlight right now is the value that you bring to the table.
I want to emphasize something extremely important, and that undergirds everything the Academy stands for…
What you carry on the inside is the value that really matters here!
We have designed the Academy specifically for that purpose. We believe in you and want to help you find ways to share it.
The question is, are you ready to recognize that value yourself and share it with others?
If that’s so you are in the right place.
Here are some quick testimonials from other Christian Creatives already inside the Academy
As digital shepherds we want to help you…
Practically – we will show you step-by-step how to implement proven processes to fulfil your creative vision and build your online platform.
Spiritually – the Academy will encourage you to hear God in your creative business and entrepreneurial endeavours.
Personally – we’ll support you in your creative ideas and implementation as part of a supportive community of fellow Christian creatives.
You will also get access to the amazing content that is currently being created specifically to equip you to succeed in taking your value online.
Our Roadmaps are currently underway, and each one will walk you through step-by-step to successfully conceive and complete your creative projects.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Roadmaps”]We put a great deal of time into equipping our students and believe the price we are charging for ongoing life time access is very reasonable.