Welcome to the Academy.
This is the place where you learn to Share your message with the world.
The Christian Creative Academy is all about you sharing your message with the world.
A Growing Suite of Training Courses and Resources
We believe that you have something unique to bring to the world and through our growing suite of training resources want to help you do that.
Whether it is a book you want to write, a blog you want to build, or an online course or product you want to sell, there is a Roadmap or resource that will walk you through step-by-step how to do it.
We believe in Kingdom entrepreneurship and that the Lord wants to salt every sector of society with His wisdom and grace.
Whether it is fiction books for kids, cooking courses for grandmas, fitness programs for teens, or prayer training for pastors, your expertise and passion is relevant and we are ready to show you how to crystallize your ideas in whatever way best communicates your value.
Live Training and Group Coaching
Every month your membership includes free training and online events with experts. Our monthly group coaching on Zoom is a great opportunity to ask questions and stay accountable to your creative goals.
A Passionate Community of Unashamed Believers
Creative living takes courage and can be a lonely road to walk. Tragically, most people want to play safe and never step up and step out to share what they believe God has planted within them. Having a community of like-minded believers to spur you on and share your journey is a priceless benefit you will enjoy as a Creative Academy member.
Our private Facebook group and exclusive monthly Zoom gatherings are a place of connection and encouragement to live all out for Christ, and bring your creativity squarely to the table.
Jesus First – Everything Else Follows
Inspiration Leads to Application
Faith Has Feet Not Fears
Growing Yourself Through Growing Others
Everyone Brings Value To The Table